Since today’s weather was much more cooperative, Marie and I got our free yoga…on the rooftop of an apartment building downtown! Whole Foods sponsors it every Wednesday, and an instructor leads a class out in the open-air, seven stories up. With rush hour traffic raging below us, I was surprised at how peaceful I felt as I rolled through my vinyasas. And it isn’t every day that the view from your upward facing dog is a blue (only sparsely clouded) sky.
Marie and I also took our first ride on the “El,” which, because it’s old fashioned and doesn’t take credit cards (?!), involved scrounging through our wallets and pooling our change to come up with the $2.25 each. I’ll have to remember to always hang on to a few singles, because I am NOT trying to get $18.75 back from the machine in quarters!
Tonight we’re planning to hit the town, with our random (in a good way) Chicago acquaintances (finger-crossed, soon-to-be friends). Can’t wait!
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