Monday, August 24, 2009
A Lovely Pair
French Food Update
Home Smelly Home
I’d like to share a story from one of the less enjoyable aspects of my weekend: the apartment search. Alas, we must leave dear 520 W. Melrose a week from tomorrow, and have found ourselves scrambling to find a new place. Given the up-in-the-air nature of our current situation, we are back to looking for the elusive sublet, in the abyss that is Craigslist.
Friday, August 21, 2009
Julie & Julia: Angel Food Cake on Screen
Last night, I made the last minute decision to see Julie & Julia. Literally…Marie and I were in line at the box office, the teller had already droned, “Next!,” and we were still up-in-the-air over what to see. The options ran the gamut from the feel-good frivolity of the above-mentioned flick, to the complex sci-fi drama, The Time Traveler’s Wife, to the shoot-em-up crime thriller Public Enemies. All on my running list of things to see.
1. Hungry
2. Dying to visit France
3. Wishing I knew French
4. Brainstorming ways I could live in France
5. Curious about Julia Child, whom I had never heard of before the buzz about this film began, but whose memoir I had purchased several weeks ago in the picked-over O’hare Airport bookstore. (I started it last night before bed)
6. Wishing I had internet at my apartment so that I could check out the real Julie’s actual blog site
7. Last but not least, feeling as I am absolutely sure the film intended, content with the world and in general good spirits. Bottom line: if you’re in need of a serious mood booster see this movie.
Some others' thoughts:
Monday, August 17, 2009
Bring on the Madness: Season 3 Premiere
After having watched the majority of Season Two on my iPod on the elliptical at the gym last semester, it was nice to enjoy Mad Men in a social atmosphere once again; it merits a little bit of festivity. Luckily, since I don’t have cable, I have some new friends in Chicago who are just as enthusiastic about the addictive combination of classy and scandalous that is Mad Men. And, the screening soiree I attended last night was surely fitting to get back in action with the hard-hitters and harder-partiers of Madison Ave.
Here's what some others thought (careful! some contain spoilers):
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Grant Park Sings a Different Tune

All summer long, Grant Park has offered free outdoor classical music concerts each weekend at Pritzker Pavilion. Don’t ask me why, but I made it down for the first time on Friday, just in time for the last weekend of the festival. By way of a grand finale, this weekend’s selection was Beethoven’s Ninth, which, even to someone as shamefully unfamiliar with classical music as I am, is recognizable. Well, recognizable in the loose sense of the word; I spent the entire time I was listening to the piece trying to place it, finally settling upon all those Sundays mornings spent at mass.
Friday, August 14, 2009
Buena Vista, Buenisima Comida
Reading List: Something Old and Something New
This summer I’ve been on a re-reading kick. Earlier in July, I revisited Robert Penn Warren’s, All the King’s Men, which had been a summer reading assignment going into my junior year of high school. At that time, it had quickly risen to the top of my, then relatively short, list of favorites. First of all, I couldn’t help but be attracted to Warren’s language and style—almost unfeasibly long, descriptive sentences and unexpected metaphors. It’s certainly not for everyone though, and even I’ll admit that there are sections of this 400-plus pager that you can’t help but skim. What I remember from my first read though is being impressed, even astounded, by the spider-web effect that Warren achieves, weaving all of the plots and characters together by the end into a (melo) dramatic climax. Once again, not for everyone, but if you have a taste for the gritty political underworld and lyric prose, it suits that contradictory bill.
UPDATE: Looks like To Kill a Mockingbird is a favorite beach read. Who'da thought? I wonder what Harper Lee would think about that. I was expecting fluffier picks, more in the vein of Emily Giffin or Jennifer Weiner, but I'm not complaining!
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Blades of the Glorious Past

Though I think California may have picked it up back in the 80s, rollerblading screams 90s to me. I have this distinct memory: summertime, I was about eleven, blading around the cul-de-sac of my suburban neighborhood with the girl next door, peforming (for who, I don't know) some kind of choreographed dance to Hootie and the Blowfish's "Hold My Hand" and "Only Wanna be with You." Dance might be an overstatement; I'm pretty sure we were just blading at various tempos and with assorted arm gestures around and around the circle.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Lolla Lovin

Lollapalooza, like New Years,’ or Homecoming, or any big birthday, is an event surrounded by a lot of hype. And, in my experience, these types of things—which friends come in town for, that are looked forward to for weeks, and usually over planned—have a tendency towards mishap. That’s why I was so pleasantly surprised that my Lollapalooza weekend went off without a hitch, in spite of the extreme weather.
Monday, August 10, 2009
Perry's Techno Tent at Lollapalooza

Water and Steel
Chicago has a lot of tourist activities, but only one of them has been recommended to me by more than one city native: The Architecture Foundation River Cruise. Having tried to go once earlier in the summer only to arrive to sold out tickets, this time I planned ahead (a little bit). I snagged nine of the last ten tickets available for the time that we wanted, and our group proved just as lucky with the weather.
Friday, August 7, 2009
Pleasant Pedaling
All summer I’ve been meaning to bike the lake path. I’ve really wanted to buy a bike, and after renting one for a few hours last week, I’m more convinced than ever that this will be my next big purchase. First of all, so much is within perfect biking distance from where I live. Second, after how my hip has been acting up recently when I run, it’s looking like I’m going to have to switch my form of exercise.
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Who needs Broadway?
Chicago is a competitive city. It seems especially concerned with proving itself equal to New York. Take, for example, its theater offerings, “Broadway in Chicago.” How much more blatant can it get?
Five Star Encounter

I just got these pictures and had to post them right away. Last Saturday night, while dining with some out-of-town guests at Phil Stefani's restaurant downtown, I had an exciting celebrity sighting. I've mentioned my obsession with Bravo's reality cooking show, Top Chef, before, and who walks in to the restaurant but my absolute favorite contestant, Fabio. He was every bit as charming in person as on the show (and displayed the same friendly bias towards the ladies--he somehow finagled his way out of taking a picture with the men in my party). He was in town promoting his book, which I'm sure will not only be full of great recipes, but show the chef's own charismatic personality as well.
Two Sides of the Same Glacier

I have an explanation for how MIA I have been the past week or so. And I promise that the things that have been keeping me from my computer and Caribou Coffee (my internet hotspot) will make up for it, once I get around to writing about them.